About Su
- Suicide Artist
- I am Suicide Artist. I "detonate" art, not bombs. I paint the bloody flux of daily events to respond to anger, fear, nihilism, desperation, and absurdity. Suicide Art confronts murder and mayhem through ARTnotBOMBS. I make art by destroying art in an endless cycle of creation and destruction.
"Please help me. I am dying," pleaded the reporter Mazin Tumaisi
On Friday the Washington Post reported that "a U.S. military helicopter swooped into Baghdad and began spraying bullets into a crowd of civilians believed to be looting an Army armored vehicle." The last words of Mazin Tumaisi, a journalist for al-Arabiya, were recorded on a video that was shown on his network and on al-Jazeera. Alhurra TV, the US-funded network, chose not to air the video.